Self Assessment


Please complete the following self-assessment form to determine if you are eligible for the FIT program.

Ensure that you review the eligibility criteria before you begin and answer the questions as accurately as possible.

Once you press submit, you will receive a notification informing you of your eligibility based on your responses. If eligible, you will receive information about our online application system.

FIT strongly encourages potential applicants to complete this self-assessment before starting the concept note and creating an account on our online application system. Eligibility will also be reviewed manually by the FIT team at the evaluation stage.

Assessment Contact Information

Eligibility Questions

The following questions will help us evaluate your application.

Eligible Countries

For the benefit of society

Recipients of FIT funding are receiving public money for the betterment of society. FIT is therefore designed with the intention of promoting knowledge-sharing, best practices and scalability. Given this context, we require organizations to share/license their intellectual property developed or enhanced as a result of funding.